29 September 2024,   00:37
Georgia’s choice is to move towards the EU, because Georgia is an integral part of Europe and European values - Botchorishvili

Georgia’s choice is to move towards the EU, because Georgia is an integral part of Europe and European values. Such a statement made today Maka Botchorishvili, Chairperson of the European Integration Committee.

“Despite the fact that Georgia has nothing to prove, I would like to clearly repeat once again what is a simple truth for the Georgian Dream Government and its loyal supporters: Georgia’s choice is to move towards the European Union, because Georgia is an integral part of Europe and European values. We can safely say that the 10-year successful association process with the EU is the result of the right policy of the Georgian Dream Government, which brought the country the status of a candidate for the EU membership, without coups and wars.

Georgia’s main concern is the occupation of Georgian territories by Russia, which does not give us the opportunity to enjoy together with the Abkhazians and Ossetians the benefits that the country’s development brings. It is easiest to analyze that under these conditions, question marks regarding the course of Georgia are out of place and insult Georgia and the Georgian people. Insulting Georgia and the Georgian people is a regular habit of the [United] National Movement and its divisions, and no one is surprised by this, but listening to this disinformation narrative from the most important partners of Georgia, it is also easy to understand who they are helping. In the last 4 years, it is not the first time that the criticism of Georgia from outside the country has been brought to the extent of groundless accusations, which gives the opposition a hand to blackmail the government and strengthen the country’s instability. In no case, the campaigns based on lies have not been successful in achieving the goal of the opposition, which has been driving it for a long time, but the reputation of our motherland is damaged, wrong ideas are created about Georgia, duplicated and unnecessary efforts are spent on proving the truth, while these efforts are directed in a completely different direction”, - said Maka Botchorishvili.