11 September 2024,   00:21
UNM justifies Russia’s entry and occupation in Georgia by signing the Tagliavini conclusion - Gia Volski

The United National Movement [UNM] justifies Russia’s entry and occupation in Georgia, both by signing the [Heidi] Tagliavini conclusion and by signing the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [PACE]. Such a statement made today Gia Volski, a member of the parliamentary majority.

“Statement of the Political Council is a statement of facts. In connection with these issues and facts, which Tagliavini spoke about, UNM has signed. Practically, it justifies Russia’s entry and occupation in Georgia, both by signing the Tagliavini conclusion and by signing the resolution of the PACE. This reality has come and what processes were behind it, of course, should be investigated. Additionally, materials on this topic are available.

If it wasn’t for the Georgian Dream coming to power, if it weren’t for the cases we won in Strasbourg and The Hague, practically, no one knows what legal situation Georgia would be in. What caused this process? Taking such steps, which are called nothing but treacherous steps.

The content of the interview is that [Mikheil] Saakashvili is blamed for this topic, which is called bringing Russia into Georgia. This is the main emphasis and what is surprising is that Saakashvili himself signs this.

Besides, it is questionable whether it was necessary to interview Tagliavini after this time. What they wanted to prove, which is obvious, they did not succeed. The possible crimes, if we speak legally, that Saakashvili committed against the people and the country were even more exposed.

Why did Saakashvili make it possible for Russia to occupy territory of Georgia? Was the negotiation going on? Why did he decide to go through elections and hold unconstitutional elections? If [Vladimir] Putin had decided [to enter the territory of Georgia], you should not allow him to do so”, - said Gia Volski.