02 October 2024,   18:17
GYLA demands to investigate the statement released by Nika Gvaramia yesterday

Young Lawyers" Association calls on the relevant bodies to launch a prompt investigation on the statement made by Nika Gvaramia yesterday. Ana Natsvlishvili expresses incredulity upon the Prosecutor"s Office and demands to discuss this issue at the parliament.
" The trust of several state institutions is tarnished, That"s why we expect a timely investigation of Nika Gvaramia"s announcement.
Unfortunately I do not hope that the Prosecutor"s Office, which in many other cases was ineffective or too biased, will investigate this case. That"s why I believe that this issue should be raised at the parliament.
The parliament should implement the control and get interested in truth,"- said Ana Natsvlishvili.