02 October 2024,   10:21
"Discrimination against religious minorities and LGBT on the rise," - European Commission

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) today published its fourth report on Georgia, analyzing recent developments and outstanding issues,


“Despite certain progress achieved by Georgia on anti-discrimination policies and legislation, hate speech and violence against some ethnic and religious minorities, as well as LGBT persons have increased over the past years, and the authorities’ response has not been sufficient,” says Christian Ahlund, ECRI’s Chair.

The report states that "hate speech and physical attacks against some minorities, such as Muslims, are on the rise; and there is a general homo- and transphobic climate in Georgian society."


"The authorities’ response has not been adequate, the report says, and there is not an effective system for monitoring hate speech. Intolerant comments, in particular of islamophobic and homophobic nature, are increasingly present in the media and in the political discourse, ECRI noted. Since its previous report, no hate speech case has been prosecuted as no legal basis existed. Investigations have only been launched when a specific threat of violence was involved," reads the report.


In a document, published by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance is also written that the Commission " welcomed a number of positive developments, such as the amendments to the Criminal Code making racist motivation an aggravating circumstance; enacting in 2014 the Law on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination; the adoption of the National Human Rights Strategy with a focus on freedom of religion and protection of minorities; as well as the implementation of other national policies promoting tolerance and civic integration."