02 October 2024,   08:32
Students` self goverment`s ultimatum and the Audience 115 "s appeal to the government

The members of TSU self goverment postponed the deadline give to the Rector of the University till 23:00. Theyare agreeing next steps together with their supporters. Their demand for the resignation of Vladimir Papava remains unchanged. By this time, they moved to another building. Another gropu of students remains in auditorium 115, whose members have recently asked the Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs to provide thier security.

The representatives of Audience 115 say that the representatives of self government have been making appeals and may storm the university"s first building.

According to the member of TSU student movement "Auditorium 115," Levan Lortkipanidze, there are certain risks of provocations, that is why it is necessary to have quarantees from the government regarding students` safety.