A few hours ago, the US State Department released its annual report on human rights situation in the world.
The 2015 report focused on the freedom of speech and in this regard the recent developments around Rustavi2.
"Although the government contended the Rustavi 2 case was a legal dispute between private parties, the lower court’s actions were widely seen as an attempt to change the editorial policy of Rustavi 2, which often espoused views sympathetic to the opposition UNM party. For many, the ruling also called into question the government’s commitment to media freedom, political pluralism, and judicial independence, "- says the report.
The report also said that diplomatic missions` representatves issued a joint statement expressing concern about the appointment of the interim management in Rustavi2.
The report also focused on Russia and the citizens" detention by de facto authorities at the administrative border.
The report describes the situation with IDPs, the penitentiary situation, violations by law enforcement , ethnic, religious and sexual minorities issues.