01 October 2024,   19:32
Elections in TSU - protest wave could still start at Tbilisi State University

Tbilisi State University could still become the venue of the protest wave. Former Deputy Minister of Education, who has claims fo becoming a rector is confronted alongside with students by his competitor. According to the students, the Academic Board is pressed to to support the candidacy of Gia Sharvashidze.

The meeting between the students and the Gia Shervashidze lasted for more then two hours and was quite noisy. Students reminded Gia Sharvashidze of the promises, which he gave as the deputy minister of education.

Young people were interested in why the University reform was not carried out and what steps Gia Sharvashidze would take if elected the rector of the University.

Gia Sharvashidze`s participate in the elections may result in a wave of protest.

Gia Sharvashidze denies all allegations.