03 October 2024,   15:23
Zurab Tkemaladze talks about the unfair distribution of television advertising time

Majority MP Zurab Tkemaladze is in favor of the changes in the Law on Broadcasting and claims that he media will be freed from the pressure. He said it was unacceptable that 20% of advertising time during the 24 hours was ditributed only on the Prime Time and certain programs.
The changes are acceptable to another member of the majority, Tamar Kordzaia, who draws attention to the EU"s demands. Kordzaia stated that the standard is that 20% of air time should be spent on advertising and should be distributed pro rata to all programs.
The lawmakers will discuss amendments to the law on broadcasting. Still several issues remain contentious, including advertising duration and when this Regulation should be enacted.
According to the draft, starting from 2015 only 20% in an hour should be given to advertising. The majority believes that the new regulation will improve the situation in the media, and place on equal terms all TV companies.