17 June 2024,   21:56
"Internal bargaining at the expense of neglecting state interests" - NGOs criticize ruling team

The civil sector criticizes the government of Georgia for a package of constitutional amendments. Members of the non-governmental organization say that the governing team has begun re-discussing issues that are already agreed in the format of the Constitutional Commission.

Executive director of the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy, Mikheil Benidze, said that discussing the already agreed issues, including the cancellation of the majoritarian system and the timing of introducing of indirect elections of the President will be an attempt to deceive the international community.

"It is unacceptable to start a discussion on the majoritarian system, to start a discussion about whether the indirectelection of the President should be introduced in 2018 or 2023. In such a case, the Constitutional Commission loses its essence because these are the issues that were defined in principle. If the majoritarian system is not abolished it will be a deception of the international community, "said Benidze.

Chief specialist of the Center for Strategic Research and Development Levan Alapishvili draws attention to the controversy in the ruling team. According to Alapashvili, internal bargaining is going on at the expense of the state interests.

The civil sector continues to work on the assessment of the work of the Constitutional Commission, which will be sent to the Venice Commission next week.