09 October 2024,   11:19
"Crimea residents made their choice and it should be respected, " -Vladimer Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has described a potential war with neighboring Ukraine as “unlikely” pointing to the Minsk truce deal as the best way to normalize eastern Ukraine.

Putin’s remarks were made in a Monday interview with Moscow’s Rossiya 1 TV channel, during which the president was asked if there was a genuine threat of war with Ukraine considering its persisting conflict.

"I think that such an apocalyptic scenario is unlikely and I hope this will never happen," said Putin, reiterating that the implementation of the Minsk agreement would "gradually stabilize" the situation in eastern Ukraine.

He also underlined that Europeans do not desire a war in Ukraine either, adding, "Europe is just as interested in that as Russia. No-one wants conflict on the edge of Europe, especially armed conflict."

Speaking on Crimea, the Russian president called on the international community to respect the region’s referendum-based choice to rejoin Russia.

“With regard to nationality, the residents of Crimea have made their choice and it should be respected. Russia cannot treat it otherwise,” Putin said.

Reacting to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s statement that Kiev intends to regain Crimea, Putin emphasized that such moves have a “revenge nature.”

He then added that as a large European nation, Ukraine should focus on “strengthening the economy and social sector, and mend relations with the southeastern part of the country.”He then added that as a large European nation, Ukraine should focus on “strengthening the economy and social sector, and mend relations with the southeastern part of the country.”