26 April 2024,   10:44
Donald Trump tightens visa requirements for pregnant women

The administration of Donald Trump plans to tighten the rules for issuing visas to pregnant women to combat “birth tourism” when foreigners specifically come to give birth in the US to obtain American citizenship for the child.

According to the changes, the State Department employees can refuse to issue a document if they suspect that the true reason for the trip to the country is the applicant’s desire to become the mother of a child with American citizenship. The innovation is explained by the interests of national security and the fight against illegal services for “birth tourism”.

It is not yet known what the criteria will be for consular staff to refuse a visa.

Birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the 14th amendment to the American Constitution. Trump, who is known for his tough anti-immigration policies, called such practices “frankly ridiculous”. In October 2018, the US President spoke about plans to abolish the right to citizenship by birth.