27 July 2024,   04:47
Noise at Rustavi City Council – representatives of the Georgian Dream confronted with the members and supporters opposition

There is noise in front of the Rustavi Municipality City Hall and City Council building.

Members of Georgian Dream, including Rustavi Mayor Nino Latsabidze, and members of Giorgi Gakharia party - “For Georgia” - verbally confronted each other.

Opposition appealed to the Mayor that Georgian Dream impeached the Chairman of the Council together with members of the [United] National Movement.

“Are you organizing the impeachment of the chairman of the Sakrebulo together with the members of the UNM now, Nino [Latsabidze]? Answer me, you don’t have enough votes without them”, - asked Ana Buchukuri from “For Georgia”.

“The time of your idleness is over, the chairman has resigned”, - addressed the Mayor of Rustavi to the members of “For Georgia”.