The positive economic growth dynamic continued to reach 7.2% in June, setting an average of the January-June growth at 10.5%. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.
“Of course, we are doing our best to keep this dynamic. I would like to inform the population that in June, for example, the turnover of VAT payer enterprises grew by 20.4%, while the number of newly registered enterprises reached 6,641, about 36% up compared to the previous month. Export is also up 28% to make up 448 million USD.
The tourism sector is also on the rise, something we discuss frequently. The level of reviving revenues from tourism constituted 88.7% in June, with tourism revenues proper exceeding 300 million USD.
In the same vein, remittances have grown drastically to make up 427 million USD in June. Consequently, we expect this trend to continue and result in a high economic growth this year. In the course of the past seven months, overpaid VAT amounts - almost 1,273,000,000 GEL - have been returned to businesses.
In addition, the credit ranking company Fitch has once again ranked Georgia at a BB stable level. The report emphasizes that Georgia, compared to other BB-ranked countries, has both a reliable and effective policy framework and open governance indicators.
“Georgia’s economic growth is higher than expected, in this way contributing to the stabilization of the debt-to-GDP ratio. And, compared to similarly ranked countries, Georgia has much higher governance indicators”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.