20 September 2024,   01:07
Special Investigation Service joined the IPCAN Strasbourg Declaration “On the use of force by the police” with other EU member States

On behalf of Georgia, the Special Investigation Service joined the IPCAN Strasbourg Declaration “On the use of force by the police” with other EU member States

In May 2023 after a conference held in Strasbourg, Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network (IPCAN) adopted the declaration joined by Georgia, Great Britain, Norway, and Switzerland along with the EU member states.

The joint declaration signed by Network’s 16-member country representatives will address the issues of citizens" rights protection, effective supervision and crime prevention while applying police measures in different countries, also the importance of de-escalation and negotiation during demonstrations.

The declaration calls on IPCAN member states to use proportionate force in police operations only when necessary. The declaration contains 20 recommendations regarding the management of public demonstrations by police forces and policing as a whole. The recommendations regulate the identification of a person during demonstrations with respect for individual freedoms and compliance with ethical rules, following search and inspection rules established by law during police operations, the consideration of the best interests of the child when identifying minors among demonstrators, the improvement of the methods of identification of law enforcement officers involved in the management of demonstrations, etc.

After meeting all membership criteria, the Special Investigation Service a year after its launch has become an official member of the Independent Police Complaints Authorities’ Network (IPCAN) since May 2023.