29 September 2024,   06:26
Import of cars produced before 2013 in Georgia to be restricted from January 1, 2024 - Garibashvili

The import of cars produced before 2013 will be limited. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

“Air pollution is a major problem in the capital city, as well as large cities of our country. Thorough studies and surveys have been carried out by the National Agency of Environment and I wish to share a decision taken on this topic.

I wish to inform the public that we introduced a standard on fuel a long time ago – several years already – and Euro-5 fuel is imported to Georgia. It is, of course, regularly monitored by the relevant institution – National Agency of Environment. Diesel was pending and a decision has been taken in relation to it this year. Euro-5 standard diesel is imported to the country. Quality of both diesel and petrol is routinely inspected, however you may well be aware that one of the major challenges remaining nowadays is the air pollution. It is associated with a lot of outdated vehicles driven in the streets.

You may well be aware that it is directly linked with an improvement of air quality and we believe that all of these will have a positive impact on the health of our population. We discussed and decided to introduce the Euro-5 standard for vehicles in the country. This practice means that import of cars manufactured prior to 2013 will get restricted. It is our desire and decision to enforce the regulation on light vehicles from January 1, 2024, while buses and lorries will be subjected to the regulation from January 1, 2025. We are still discussing it. Certain ideas exist on this topic and we wanted to allow a more reasonable timeframe.

I wish to explain more specifically that vehicles of poor quality will no longer get imported under Euro-5 standard. Decision will not apply to the already imported vehicles, of course, nor to ones imported in Georgia for re-export or transit.

Let me also tell you that the National Agency of Environment will regularly measure the air quality and will be mandated to monitor it. As I already noted, two problematic pollutants exist in the country – solid particles and nitrogen dioxide. It is clarified in further detail by relevant subject-matter professionals. However, measurements taken in the past 4 years evidence that air pollution with nitrogen dioxide is predominantly caused by outdated and malfunctioning vehicles. Namely, highest indicators of this pollutant are observed in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Rustavi, Zestaponi, Marneuli, Khashuri, Akhaltsikhe and Chiatura. The problem is most acute in the capital with the highest number of vehicles. Norm is exceeded in 13 out of 25 locations in Tbilisi and some streets indicate that the permitted threshold is exceeded twice, which is most alarming. We inspected air quality last year and the concentration of harmful substances has substantially increased in the recent past. It required an efficient response.

We also reviewed the experience of other countries. Euro-5 standard are introduced in every country of the region already and the vehicle pool has already been shifted to Euro-5 standard there. These regulations have long been introduced in some countries, including our neighbors – Armenia, Azerbaijan. I am saying nothing about Europe, of course. This standard has long been in Europe. This measure will not apply to already imported vehicles. We are referring to those that will be purchased from January 1, 2024. In practice, we will have vehicles manufactured in and from 2013”, - said the Prime Minister.