29 September 2024,   05:22
The performance agenda is being built on Khoshtaria’s complexes, when she is worried about the ruble issue, she throws rubles at others - Mdinaradze

The performance agenda is being built on [Elene] Khoshtaria’s complexes, when she is worried about the ruble issue, she throws rubles at others. Such a statement made today Mamuka Mdinaradze, the Chairman of the Georgian Dream faction.

“The people who carried out this performance, 2 people were the creators of it, one accompanying person and one the lady herself. And it happened in such a form that kids with disabilities had to cover their ears with their hands.

The person who accompanied him was the organizer of the setting up of a tent in front of the Parliament a few days ago, and if I’m not mistaken, he was also detained in an administrative manner - someone named Bejo. This person was also an angry student who met Irakli Kobakhidze at the university, he is 36 years old.

As we found out, this person was the organizer of yesterday’s performance, related to Elene Khoshtaria and the Formula. The performance agenda is being built on the Khoshtaria complexes, and when Khoshtaria is worried about the ruble issue, she throws rubles at others, but with someone else’s hands.

They gather in that person’s restaurant and stage these talentless scenarios”, - said Mamuka Mdinaradze.