01 July 2024,   16:53
The President put her self-respect aside, the most important thing for her is what task she gets - Givi Mikanadze

The President put her self-respect aside, insulted the institution of the president, the most important thing for her is what task she gets. Such a statement made Givi Mikanadze, a member of the parliamentary majority, while commenting the pardon of Nika Gvaramia.

“Do you think that the recommendation was fulfilled with this pardon? We have been working together with the opposition for a year to fulfill the 12 points. This issue has nothing to do with these points, because Nika Gvaramia is a person who deepens polarization.

Remember how he insulted the institution of the President. It is unbelievable to change mind so suddenly. Everyone knows that this person is distinguished by radicalism, and pardoning him is a step towards deepening polarization”, - said Givi Mikanadze.

He also responded to the incident near the Presidential Administration after the release of Gvaramia, during which the flag of the European Union was burned.

“No one has sent anyone, you have no proof of that. This is the reaction of the public and I will not be surprised if the public reaction is more severe. Do you remember the public reaction to the statements made on May 26-27 and how she was forced to change her rhetoric when she appeared in the European Parliament and was more moderate and focused on the interests of the country.

Yesterday’s decision was completely out of context. In general, the EU is our political goal and any action against the EU cannot be supported or approved by us, and it is absolutely unacceptable to associate the position expressed by a particular person to Georgian Dream”, - added MP.