20 September 2024,   01:15
Ministry of Internal Affairs arrested 3 persons connected with the “Thieves’ World”

Employees of the Main Division for the Fight against Organized Crime under the Central Criminal Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of operational measures and investigative actions, arrested previously convicted 3 persons, based on the judge’s ruling.

A.Sh. (DoB 1972) was arrested for membership of the “thieves world”, A.Kh. (DoB 1995) - for addressing a member of the “thieves world” and G.Sh, (DoB 2004, nicknamed “Chukcha”) is accused of “supporting the activities of the “thieves world”.

The committed crimes envision up to 10 years of imprisonment.

The investigation also established that there was a disagreement on financial basis between A.Kh. and his co-worker. In order to resolve the situation, A.Kh. addressed the member of the “Thieves World” – A. Sh. and requested to solve the issue in his favor by using his criminal authority.

The investigation also established that the accused A.Kh., G.Sh and the disputing party participated in the "criminal skirmish" organized by A.Sh. - a member of the “Thieves World”. A.Sh. ordered the disputing party to pay a certain amount of money each month until the disputed amount was fully exhausted.

The decision was supported by G.Sh. who systematically threatened the disputing party.

As a result of the conducted investigation, including the secret investigative actions carried out on the basis of the judge’s ruling, it was established that the persons accused of “membership of the world of thieves”, “referring to the world of thieves” and “supporting the activities of the thieves world” actively participated in the resolution of personal conflicts or financial disputes under the so-called “thief rules”.

As a result of the search conducted by the police, mobile phones were seized, through which they communicated with each other, as evidence.

The investigation is being conducted under 223(1) I part, 223(3) II part, 223 (4) IV part of the Criminal Code of Georgia.