17 June 2024,   20:45
Russia can be defeated only when all the neighbors find a vigor to make and realize their own sovereign decisions - Maka Botchorishvili

The member of the Parliamentary Delegation to OSCE PA, the Chair of the EU Integration committee, Maka Botchorishvili participated in the OSCE PA 30th session.

In her speech, she dwelt on the security in Europe and the challenge and objectives of Georgia.

“Georgia appeared to be the first victim of the Russian aggressive policy in the neighborhood and two regions of Georgia are still occupied by Russia and the illicit military presence of Russia in our occupied regions has not yet been eliminated. We keep seeking peaceful ways for conflict resolution, go on living with the painful memories of wars and are exposed to the enemy without any security and safety guarantees. Despite, we spare no efforts to proceed in our progressive agenda, improve the socio-economic conditions for our citizens, create the milieu to attract investments and contribute to the development of the middle corridor for transit”, - she highlighted noting that Georgia is a reliable partner and needs clearer and far more effective steps to be taken by the EU and NATO to acquire the capacity to further contribute in common security and economic progress.

In her address, Mme. Botchorishvili underlined the necessity of unity of the international society for ensuring peace and security and the significance of common efforts.

“Today, we are deprived of leisure and time to spare for the protracted promises and pledges or to address the false narratives and perceptions, which serve for the Russian interests solely. We do need clear and supportive steps and I truly expect the EU to grant the candidate status to Georgia at the end of the year. Russia can be defeated only when all the neighbors find a vigor to make and realize their own sovereign decisions, which is feasible only through our joint efforts striving to adhere to all the principles and norms that constitute the pillars of our organization”, - she underlined.