17 June 2024,   21:08
Ukraine’s NATO membership to threaten security of Russia - Putin

Ukraine’s NATO membership will create a threat to Russia’s security, one of the reasons for launching the special military operation was the threat of Ukraine"s joining NATO. Such a statement made the Russian President.

“As for Ukraine’s NATO membership, we have repeatedly said that this creates threats to Russia’s security. And, in fact, one of the reasons for the special military operation is the threat of Ukraine joining NATO.

Joining NATO will not increase Ukraine’s security. But on the whole, it will make the world more vulnerable, creating additional tensions on the international stage”, - said Vladimir Putin.

Speaking about arms deliveries to Kiev, he noted that Russia sees how much hope was pinned on the delivery of long-range missiles: “Yes, they [the supplied missiles] do cause damage, but nothing critical happens in the combat zone with the use of these missiles”.