17 June 2024,   23:14
One of the Ambassadors said that they are afraid that many Russians will enter the EU through Georgia. Russians need a visa to enter the EU. If they don’t want Russians in the EU, don’t give them visas - Kobakhidze

One of the Ambassadors came out and said something like this - that they are afraid that many Russians will enter the European Union through Georgia, said today the Chairman of Georgian Dream.

“One is that a Russian citizen needs a visa to enter the European Union. If they don’t want Russian citizens in the EU, don’t give them visas.

As for how “risky” flights to Georgia are in this regard, in terms of Russian citizens traveling to Europe, to cite simple statistics, between Turkey and Russia, approximately 100 direct flights are operated per day, in the case of Azerbaijan, approximately 25 and in the case of Armenia, approximately 25, in total - 150.

As for Georgia, 5 flights are completed per day. You can judge for yourself, on what scale we are talking about and how Georgia can be at risk?!

This is just a speculation, these are just lies. How can an ambassador take such liberties, or any politician, or any other person who should be taking care of the state. Planning PR moves based on such lies is inadmissible”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.