26 June 2024,   15:57
What could be more shameful when the former president, his family spends millions all over the world to damage the image and reputation of our state - Garibashvili

What could be more shameful when the former president, who ruled the country for 9 years, this fraudulent man, his family spends millions all over the world to damage the image and reputation of our state. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia, while commenting the information published on the website of the US Department of Justice about the activities of the lobbying company hired by Giuli Alasania and Mikheil Saakashvili.

“Our society has seen evidence of how Saakashvili’s family is hostile to our state, and not only Saakashvili’s family and Saakashvili personally. Of course, forces hostile to our country are involved in this process, such as members of criminal Saakashvili family and their lobbyists, as well as other persons who are interested in not having peace, stability and economic development in our country.

It is in their interest that this peace ends and there is war, destruction, misfortune, as is happening now in Ukraine. The head of all this is fraudulent Saakashvili’s family, the whole society saw that it was a shameful campaign involving, unfortunately, the ex-politicians they bribed and unfortunately, Europeans too.

The truth is one thing - this disgraceful campaign was put to an end by the Strasbourg Court. Therefore, what can be more shameful when the former president, who ruled the country for 9 years, this fraudulent man, his family pays millions around the world to damage the image and reputation of our state, not the ruling party, in this case it is about our state.

Friends, whoever deliberately fights against our state is an enemy of our country.

The famous names who make comments everyday are involved in a corruption campaign and it is a hostile campaign against the country. No one can oppose the truth, which is on our side, no matter how many tens of millions of USD the Saakashvili family spends.

By the way, you should ask yourself where Saakashvili’s mother has more than one hundred million in property, how this multi-million USD anti-state campaign is financed, ask your owners”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.