02 June 2024,   13:12
No one at the US Embassy has engaged in lobbying on behalf of former President Saakashvili or helped to schedule any meetings for his lobbyists - US Embassy

No one at the US Embassy has engaged in lobbying on behalf of former President Saakashvili or helped to schedule any meetings for his lobbyists. Such a statement was released today by the US Embassy in Georgia.

“The United States, in Tbilisi and in Washington, has raised our concerns with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the disinformation carried by some media outlets and amplified by political figures in recent days regarding the work of the U.S. Embassy and our employees.

As we have made clear, no one at the U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi has engaged in lobbying on behalf of former President Saakashvili or helped to schedule any meetings for his lobbyists. Malicious stories alleging or implying that Embassy employees received money from lobbying firms are categorically false and irresponsible”, - reads the statement of the Embassy.