26 June 2024,   17:51
We need a pragmatic, rational, correct policy for our country - Irakli Kobakhidze

We need a pragmatic, rational, correct policy for our country, said the Chairman of the Georgian Dream, while commenting recent developments in the Batumi port and the criticism expressed by the opposition regarding the cruise liner arriving from Sochi.

“I want to use one harsh term: what we are seeing, including what we have seen today, is simply lunacy, and I want to remind you that this lunacy brought very serious consequences to the country at different times, it was the beginning of the 90s, it was a relatively late period, it was the years 2004-12, including 2008.

Once again, the Government of Georgian Dream is the only Government during which the country did not have a war. Of course, Russia was the aggressor, the same in the 90s, in 2008, but in all cases when problems arose in our country, it was among them the result of lunacy carried out by the representatives of our country.

That’s what we left in the past along with everything else - autocracy, violation of human rights, torture of people.

Today, the same people are trying to bring this lunacy back from the ranks of the opposition and thereby create problems for Georgia. Of course, we will not allow this: we don’t need a lunatic policy, we need a pragmatic, rational, correct policy for our country. This is the only recipe for Georgia to maintain peace and for the country to develop”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.