26 June 2024,   19:03
Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia Meets Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

Irakli Garibashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia met Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China today.

Meeting was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China visited by the Head of Government of Georgia at the invitation of the President of the People’s Republic of China. Irakli Garibashvili is taking part in the Opening Ceremony of the World Summer University Games.

The Prime Minister of Georgia expressed his gratitude to the host President for the invitation to China and the Opening Ceremony of the World Summer University Games.

Decision was made at the referred meeting on further deepening the bilateral cooperation between Georgia and People’s Republic of China.

Irakli Garibashvili noted that Georgia highly values the long-standing friendship and cooperation with the People’s Republic of China. The Prime Minister also expressed his gratitude to the host President for the global initiative branded as a Belt and Road.

“Mr. President,

It is an extreme pleasure and privilege to meet with You today. This is a historic visit for me. I am extremely grateful to You, personally. I was honored and very thankful to receive Your kind invitation to visit China.

I am also delighted to attend the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 Summer World University Games here in Chengdu, China. So, thank You again. I really appreciate this invitation.

I am also very grateful to You, Mr. President, and to Your Government for Your support to my country. China was among the first countries to recognize Georgia’s independence in 1992, when we regained our independence. And then we established diplomatic relations between the two of us.

I want to highlight that Georgia also firmly supports the One China Principle. We have repeatedly underlined this position on many occasions and will do so in future.

Georgia considerably values the friendship and partnership with China and I am grateful for Your decision to elevate our relationship to strategic partnership, which I believe will bring concrete results and be beneficial for both of us.

Let me state again that Georgia is committed to deepening trade and economic relations with China in various fields and we are excited that a series of significant documents will be signed during this visit.

Thank You very much again”, - stated the Prime Minister of Georgia.

As Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China noted, Georgia and China are establishing strategic partnership to elevate the bilateral relations to a new level.

“I am thrilled to meet you, Mr. Prime Minister. Welcome to the Opening Ceremony of Chengdu 31st World University Olympiad.

You have numerously stated that Georgia-China relations are greatly cherished and bilateral cooperation is actively promoted by you. I value this a lot.

It has been 31 years since diplomatic relations were established between our nations. China and Georgia are advancing interaction in a healthy and stable manner. Political trust between our two countries is solid, while cooperation in various directions – distinguished. Georgia is a friend and good partner to Georgia. No matter the developments on the international arena, the attitude of China towards developing its relations with Georgia will not change. A Joint Statement will be published during your current visit to China. It will be declared that Georgia and China are establishing a strategic partnership, thus advancing our bilateral relations to a completely new level.

China and Georgia should work together to give a new momentum to an agile advancement of our strategic partnership, promote development in various areas in the integration of both nations and contribute to the wellbeing of mankind, I would say. Thank you!”, - stated Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister of Georgia attended a Reception held in the name of Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. It was held in the honor of world leaders attending the Opening Ceremony of World University Games.