26 June 2024,   16:28
My vision is to ensure greater prosperity, progress, rapid modernization. Georgia can become a country of peace and prosperity - Garibashvili

My vision is to ensure greater prosperity, progress, rapid modernization and transformation for our people - Georgia can become a country of peace and prosperity, said the Prime Minister of Georgia in an exclusive interview to the China Central Television (CCTV).

“My Government is focused on peace. We want peace, stability and prosperity for our people. We really managed to maintain peace in Georgia during the last 10 years. This is the only period of continuous peaceful and stable existence. Therefore, we will continue to pursue this policy, this pragmatic, constructive policy, which aims to solve our problems in a peaceful way.

Thus, my vision for Georgia is to ensure more prosperity, more development and progress, rapid modernization and transformation for our people. Georgia can become a country of peace, stability and prosperity”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.

When asked what he thinks about the modernization path chosen by China to ensure peace and prosperity, he noted that China has undergone rapid changes and the current modernization process is very impressive.

“China has undergone a very rapid change. Currently, the ongoing modernization process is really impressive. Again, it comes from President Xi Jinping, his policies and initiatives that bring more prosperity to the Chinese people. It can become an inspiration for other countries and nations. For example, I was in China for the first time in 2015.

Since then, we see many changes every year. The scope for improvement is great. The growth is happening at a rapid pace and I think it"s all very good, very impressive! Therefore, I would like to congratulate you once again for all that you have achieved in the last decade, especially during the leadership period of President Xi Jinping”, - said the Prime Minister.