20 September 2024,   01:55
Cuba uncovers network trafficking Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine

Cuba has uncovered a human trafficking ring that has coerced Cuban citizens to fight for Russia in the war in Ukraine, its foreign ministry said, adding that Cuba’s authorities were working to “neutralize and dismantle” the network.

The statement from Cuba’s foreign ministry gave few details but noted the trafficking ring was operating both in the Caribbean island nation and within Russia.

“The Ministry of the Interior detected and is working on the neutralization and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine.

Cuba has a firm and clear historical position against mercenarism and plays an active role in the United Nations in repudiation of this practice.

Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine. It is acting and will act vigorously against whoever, from the national territory, participates in any form of human trafficking for the purposes of recruitment of mercenarism so that Cuban citizens use weapons against any country”, - the ministry said.

The Russian government has not commented on the allegations.