16 September 2024,   22:55
This narrative, aimed at separating people from the Government, was promoted by certain foreign politicians and diplomats. This is gradually changing, thank the relevant diplomats and politicians for this - Kobakhidze

Unfortunately, this narrative, aimed at separating people from the Government, was promoted by certain foreign politicians and diplomats. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

“All these statements indicate the hysteria of the opposition. When they say that we should be given candidate status because of the geopolitical situation, it"s just ridiculous. Geopolitics has not changed since last year, neither our geographical situation nor the political situation in this geographical space has changed. This indicates that they are simply hysterical. They did not want the country to get the candidate status. Now they know that the country is getting the status, and they make such absurd, absolutely illogical statements.

As for NGOs, they also did everything to prevent the country from getting candidate status. The European Commission was told that only two recommendations had been implemented. They declared that the country did not deserve the candidate status, etc.

Now they have to come out with different messages. As for the narrative that the government and people are on different sides, this also indicates their anti-state sentiments, when they try to artificially separate people and the government from each other.

Firstly, these are absurd statements and secondly, it indicates that they want the country to leave the constitutional framework, which, of course, they will not succeed.

Of course, our foreign partners will not believe such messages, and such messages cannot be sold within the country either. The public knows very well that when a country receives the candidate status, the Government receives this status, of course, together with people. It is always like this, the country has a Government elected by people.

They wanted extraordinary elections, and the Georgian people once again confirmed to the opposition that they wanted Georgian Dream in the Government. After that, all speculations are, of course, completely groundless.

Unfortunately, this narrative, aimed at separating people from the Government, was promoted by certain foreign politicians and diplomats. This is gradually changing, it has already changed, and for that I thank the relevant diplomats and relevant politicians”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.