16 September 2024,   22:58
Diplomats play a key role in achieving the main goals of our state and people – Garibashvili

The Prime Minister of Georgia congratulates the diplomats of country on the Day of Georgian Diplomacy.

“I wish a Happy Day of Georgian Diplomacy to every Georgian diplomat, everyone working tirelessly toward the success of the Georgian state in the international arena.

We celebrate this date on the birthday of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, a great public figure and the founder of Georgian diplomacy, in order reaffirm our commitment to the values he served all his life.

Diplomacy is an art of dialogue, negotiations, cooperation, and strengthening of peace, therefore being a key tool against the challenges facing our country and the world today. You diplomats play a key role in achieving the main goals of our state and people: Georgia’s unification and full integration into the European family of free nations, also ensuring peace and development.

I would like to thank you for your high professionalism, patriotism, and selflessness, with which you are making an invaluable contribution to the realization of these aspirations. On behalf of the Government and myself, I vouch to continue standing by you, and I wish you further success!”, - writes Irakli Garibashvili.