16 September 2024,   23:03
Salaries of all public servants have increased by 30% in the past 3 years, with salaries for police officers and service members growing by 45-50 - Garibashvili

The salaries of all public servants have increased by 30% in the past three years, with salaries for police officers and service members growing by 45-50%, among others. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

“The expenditure part of the 2024 consolidated budget was set at 27 billion 800 million GEL at first. Financing was expected to grow within 27 billion 800 million GEL in almost every direction, including increased pensions.

The parameters above will not change in the revised version of the budget.

Given these parameters, the expenditure part of our 2024 consolidated budget was set at 27 billion 800 million GEL at first. Financing was expected to grow within 27 billion 800 million GEL in almost every direction, including increased pensions. Let me remind you that pensions have increased in mountainous regions, with pensions for persons aged over 70 to make up about 500 GEL, and constituting about 400 GEL for those aged below 70. Also, salaries for all public servants will increase in 2024 as well. We included a 10% growth, and I want to remind you that the salaries of all public servants have increased by 30% in the past three years, with salaries for police officers and service members growing by 45-50%, among others. Notably, next year the financing of education will increase by over 400 million GEL”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.