16 September 2024,   22:55
Next year pensioners will enjoy chronic disease medications free of charge all year-round - Garibashvili

An addition 65 million GEL will be allocated to the Health Ministry, and its total budget will make up 7 billion 800 million GEL. Such a statement made today the Prime Minister of Georgia.

"As for the Ministry of Health, an addition 65 million GEL will be allocated for the total budget to make up 7 billion 800 million GEL. Compared to 2012, we have drastic changes. Over the past 11 years, the healthcare budget has increased by 6 billion GEL. In 2012, the healthcare budget was very low, and we have a 325% growth.

Now about new projects and initiatives I would like to introduce to the public. The financing of healthcare programs has increased, and next year pensioners will enjoy chronic disease medications free of charge all year-round. This means about 4000,000 pensioners, and it is a major concession, of course. Aside from increasing pensions for pensioners to 500 GEL, while it was 110 GEL in 2012, pensioners with chronic diseases will receive medications free of charge in 2024, and we will maintain this trend”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.