16 September 2024,   22:57
GeoStat presents a new interactive portal - Vehicles Statistics Portal

The National Statistics Office of Georgia presented a new interactive portal – Vehicles Statistics Portal.

Gogita Todradze, Executive Director of Geostat, addressed to the audience. According to him, the Vehicles Statistics Portal allows users to receive the information about registered vehicles, traffic accidents, roads, fuel prices and driving license in the country in one space.

The Portal presents statistical information on vehicles statistics in simple and easily-understandable way. It gives users opportunity to analyze statistical data of registered vehicles in one space, through interactive graphics and modern visualization elements. The Portal consists of five modules: “vehicles, fuel, roads, traffic accidents and driving licenses.

The first module – vehicles, includes information about the number of registered vehicles in Georgia in various aspects. The second module -fuel includes information about fuel prices and external trade of fuel. The third module- roads, the user receives the information about length of common use roads by categories in Georgia. The fourth module – traffic accidents – consists the information of number of traffic accidents and persons injured in traffic accidents and finally the fifth module – driving license presents the information about the number of issued driving licenses by gender and age.

The main objective of the National Statistics Office of Georgia is to produce high-quality data and introduce it to society that improves use and planning decision-making processes process at any level.

Vehicles Statistics Portal can be found at the following link: https://automobile.geostat.ge/en/