16 September 2024,   22:57
We came to Georgia to meet representatives of the Georgian government, opposition and civil society - Dirk Schuebel

Prime Minister of Georgia met Special Envoys of the European Union and EU Member States for Eastern Partnership today. Meeting was focused on the European integration of Georgia and progress achieved by the country towards this end.

Irakli Garibashvili highlighted the importance of Eastern Partnership and thereby noted that it has been a strong mechanism since establishment for Georgia to make sure that we succeed in continuing the EU integration process, close economic approximation with the EU and attainment of a tangible progress towards this end. According to Irakli Garibashvili, EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) and visa-free travel arrangement, intensified cooperation in the areas of security, energy and transport are the tangible results achieved by Georgia on its road to European integration.

“First of all, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of my government for your visit to Georgia. I very much appreciate your support towards Georgia"s sovereignty, territorial integrity and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. I think that your visit comes at a defining moment - I would say - in EU-Georgia relations. It is a vivid demonstration of your support for Georgia’s European future. A strong partnership between EU and Georgia is a result of our common endeavors. It brought us very concrete achievements, as we know, such as the Association Agreement, visa-free regime, European Perspective, which was a historic decision last year. Of course, right now we are waiting for a decision of the [European] Commission in 2 days, which I believe to be another historic decision, which will define Georgia’s European future”, - said the Prime Minister.

Dirk Schuebel, EU Special Envoy working on Eastern Partnership noted that in terms of future steps both - Ukraine and Moldova - as well as Georgia may still benefit from the Eastern Partnership.

We, indeed, came in a good crowd. I think we are 17 EU Member States colleagues, plus the European Union - 2 - myself from the European Union and a colleague from the European Commission. That is already a good sign that we come at this important time to Georgia. Let me also say that all of us are dealing with Eastern Partnership. There are some who are Special Envoys for the Eastern Partnership in their respective foreign ministries or like myself - at the European External Action Service. There are some others, who are at the same time Directors or at similar positions in the Foreign Ministries. So, it is a good level that has come to Georgia, here. That is why we want to find out how the Eastern Partnership can still be useful in our bilateral relations between the European Union and Georgia. It has done a lot of good to Georgia as well: we have the Association Agreement; We have the DCFTA. We have the visa-free, which I think might not have been possible without the framework of the Eastern Partnership. That was in the past, of course. But now we think that Eastern Partnership can still be useful also on your next steps.

Yes, in 2 days - as you say - the Reports are coming out. We are not going to comment on this. There are other experts in Brussels, who are dealing with it and preparing the last commas for the publication. But still, we believe that for the next steps both - Ukraine and Moldova - and also Georgia can make use - can find a good use - of the Eastern Partnership in the future. We have refurbished it a little bit in the last year or two. We have concentrated on less issues, but more relevant ones. Two main issues are your priorities, as you know: connectivity and security. So, we already do a lot together on both issues, but we still think that there is more to it and we may develop or discover together. That is the main purpose of the visit: to see from each of our interlocutors what ideas you have and we will tell you what ideas we have. So, that is the main purpose. Of course, it is also a message of support to Georgia. It is clear that in this crucial time the European Union stands with Georgia and we have no doubt that in the future Georgia will be a member of the European Union. So, once again, many thanks for receiving us and for a good discussion today”, - said Dirk Schuebel, EU Special Envoy for Eastern Partnership.