16 September 2024,   22:59
Massive measures have been taken against fraudulent call centers on the territory of 23 countries, including Georgia, with the involvement of the Prosecution Service, representatives of the competent authorities of 11 countries

Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia continues active cooperation with Eurojust and competent authorities of partner countries in order to identify fraudulent call centers operating internationally.

We would like to respond to the information published by Eurojust about successful joint events and inform the society that in July 2023 massive measures have been taken on the territory of Georgia together with Swiss colleagues.

The purpose of the measures was to reveal transnational fraudulent call centers and the persons involved in their organization, which operated not only in Georgia, but also in many EU member states.

It was established by the joint investigation that the members of the organized group used hundreds of web pages to create the impression of reliable investment companies and offered various kinds of profitable financial deals to the victims. The targets of the organized group were the citizens of EU member states, mainly Switzerland and Germany. According to the information available today, the damage amounts to several million euros.

Within the framework of the measure took in Georgia, several call centers, dozens of individuals, their apartments, cars and workplaces were searched. Data carriers were seized. Immovable and movable properties, bank accounts and deposits allegedly obtained through criminal means were frozen.

The joint investigation is still ongoing and we will further inform the public about the results of the investigation.

It should be noted that in recent years, within the framework of the ongoing investigation and as a result of the cooperation with the competent authorities of different countries, the PSG launched the criminal proceedings against dozens of individuals and several legal entities, who were charged with the fraud and legalization of illegal income committed by an organized group, in order to identify transnational so-called fraudulent call centers and the persons involved in the organized crime.

At the same time, the PSG is intensively continuing the investigation in different countries, together with international partners and with coordination of Eurojust, in order to expose other individuals and legal entities involved in the activities of fraudulent call centers, including their organizers.