16 September 2024,   23:02
In order to better protect itself from Russia, Georgia should get as close as possible to Europe - Salome Zourabichvili to France 24

In order to better protect itself from Russia, Georgia should get as close as possible to Europe. Such a statement the President of Georgia made in the interview to France 24

“Russia has already lost a lot with the war in Ukraine and continues to lose. First of all, its face, also in the military and strategic sense. It is not ready to completely lose its face in the Caucasus. Armenia is following the path that is very similar to that of Georgia in previous years. Russia is trying to see benefits as much as possible, it is trying to show that it is still aggressive in the occupied territories of Georgia in Abkhazia and South Ossetia; It shows that it wants to create military bases, a port, an airport, and this is a good moment for the European Union to say: - Enough!

[Peace] This word has a great weight in Georgia, because our country is in a very difficult region, and despite all the realities, Georgians have been able to save their language and three alphabets and maintain their identity in the region; In the region where all the empires of the past have passed. They came and went, some occupied longer than others... Today it is very clear to the population of Georgia that there is no alternative to the European choice, that"s why this 80% is maintained despite the war, occupation, Russia’s various forms of pressure. This is a permanent 80% for Europe, because it is the only possible future for us. We must be on the other side of this red line.

We had Maidan a long time ago, Georgia is not making a pro-Western, pro-European choice today, it has done so a long time ago. It is important that it has been strengthened. Reforms are sometimes difficult, they are ongoing. Unfortunately, Georgians are a bit impatient, they are taking a shelter in Europe, there is a significant migration movement. The European decision in December (we cannot foresee the decisions of the governments in advance) will give hope to the Georgian youth, and it will make a part of the population understand that the European future is possible not only in Europe, but also in Georgia, and for this it is necessary to mobilize”, - said Salome Zourabichvili.