16 September 2024,   22:49
Georgia has strategic partnership with Azerbaijan, Armenia, and can’t be biased - Garibashvili

Georgia has a strategic partnership and friendly relationship with Azerbaijan and Armenia, therefore, Georgia can’t be biased in this situation, Georgia is 100% neutral, and we can’t take any side in this situation, said the Prime Mnister of Georgia during the Paris Peace Forum’s panel discussion.

“My friend Nikol Pashinian knows this very well, and my friend Ilham Aliyev knows this very well, so, therefore, I think we should ask these questions to leaders, to Prime Minister Pashinian and President Aliyev.

I would not comment on that, because I want to safeguard our neutral, unbiased position in our region, I think this is in the interest of the three of us.

We had a very fruitful meeting last month when I hosted the Tbilisi Silk Forum and I am grateful to my friend Nikol Pashinian who visited Georgia and the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan also attended the forum. I think there was a good opportunity, three of us managed to sit down and talk about the future of our region, the future cooperation, how to overcome the difficulties, how to overcome the barriers which the Prime Minister Pashinian just described”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.