16 September 2024,   23:04
You can recall past surveys published by IRI and NDI, these organizations don’t trust themselves anymore - Kobakhidze

You can recall past surveys published by IRI and NDI, these organizations don’t trust themselves anymore. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream, while commenting the results of the International Republican Institute (IRI) survey.

“IRI and IPM have messed up before and they can easily mess up now too - when you’ve been messed up for 12 years, it’s logical that you might be messed up in the 13th year as well - these organizations don’t trust themselves anymore, they’ve messed up the election results so many times.

The Georgian Dream will make and present tables of results of the surveys conducted by various organizations in the past, on the one hand, and the results of the elections, on the other hand.

You can recall past surveys published by IRI and NDI, as well as the surveys published by specific TV channels, and from this the public can draw conclusions about which surveys were more in line with the results that were reflected in the elections.

This is my recommendation - remember who lied to the Georgian society in the past and who did not. These organizations don"t trust themselves anymore", said Irakli Kobakhidze.