16 September 2024,   23:01
Zurab Noghaideli is being questioned in the court on the so-called David Gareji case

Former Prime Minister of Georgia Zurab Noghaideli is being questioned in the Tbilisi City Court as a witness of the so-called David Gareji case.

Before the session, he did not comment to the media, he only said that he will tell everything in court.

“Noghaideli held the position of Prime Minister of Georgia in 2005-2007, at the same time, he was a member of the Security Council, and his testimony is important in the context that the order regulating the activity of the commission, among other things, meant the submission of certain reports on important issues. In 2006, many sections were agreed to the detriment of Georgia, including the one 100 meters away from the Chichkhituri tower”, - said the Prosecutor of the case Mikheil Sadradze.