16 September 2024,   23:01
VB/C-section is fully funded for all citizens under Universal Healthcare Program

VB/C-section is fully funded for all citizens under Universal Healthcare Program.

It should be noted that funding covers fees for selected doctor’s appointment and anesthesia, as well as medicines, food, direct and indirect expenses; thus, a patient does not have to make any payment.

As for C-section performed without indication, based on a patient’s request, so called VIP wards, these services are not state-funded.

These changes are introduced as a result of expansion of DRG funding system. Under DRG model, tariffs for VB and C-section were equalized and set as 1, 222 GEL for all facilities enrolled in Universal Healthcare Program.

The reform is aimed at ensuring maximum access to high-quality medical services, reduction of patient’s co-payment, increased effectiveness of health system and effective utilization of budgetary resources.

Due to the high rate of C-section in the country, it was considered appropriate to equalize prices for C-section and VB to reduce motivation of the medical personnel in favor of C-section.