08 September 2024,   03:56
We currently have 1.366 million employed individuals in the country, employment level is also record-high - Garibashvili

According to the Prime Minister of Georgia, the employment indicator has reached a record-high indicator in the country.

“As for the current economic stance in general, you are well aware that we have reached a 7% economic growth this year. We are witnessing very good trends even now, as we speak. It is important to maintain this positive trend. I wish to follow-up on the information released by GeoStat [National Office of Statistics of Georgia] last week in relation to the economic performance and employment. Number of employees has been rising in every quarter this year. It kept rising in Q3, Q2 and Q1.

Significant increase was observed and record-high indicators were reached in terms of employment levels in the country. We currently have 1.366 million employed individuals in the country. It is an official dataset published by GeoStat. Employment level is also record-high, as a result of the prudent policies pursued by our Government in recent years. It is an outcome of the steps that we took and the peace policy we pursued. Otherwise, if the country were under the previous rule and governance, we would not have had peace or economic growth. We would have had nothing! They would have destroyed and ruined the country for the second and final time, as they did once already. That is why, we maintain the peaceful policy, high economic growth and equally high development pace”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.