08 September 2024,   03:31
At the decision of the Committee on IDP issues, the Agency will procure houses in the villages for 1,335 IDPs

At the Decision of the Committee on IDP issues, the Agency will procure houses in the villages for 1,335 internally displaced families.

The list of the families has been published on the website of the Internally Displaced Persons, Ecomigrants and Livelihood Agency.

The internally displaced families will select the houses in any region of Georgia themselves, within 6-month period.

The project, is successfully implemented countrywide. In 2003 the Agency has already procured house in villages for around 1,300 families.

Before the end of 2025, within the House in a Village project, in total 6,000 internally displaced families will be resettled. The majority of procured houses has adjusted plots of land, which serves as an additional source of income for the families.