08 September 2024,   04:17
Budget of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2012 was 626 mln GEL, but this year it is 2 bln 77 mln USD, in 2024 it will reach 2 bln 508 mln GEL – Garibashvili

After the country regained independence, the system of education suffered a major blow. There were numerous attempts at transformation, renewal, and development, but then there were bogus reforms carried out in 2004. It is fair to say that they ruined the whole system and presented some new vision that served the purpose of conducing some experiments among our young people, Georgian Prime Minister said in his speech at the presentation of the ongoing general education reform.

“A few words about the growing budget. For comparison, the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2012 was 626 million GEL, but this year it is 2 billion 77 million USD, and in 2024 it will reach 2 billion 508 million GEL, i.e., the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science is up 300%. This says it all about who pays genuine attention to education, future generations, and who only pretended to do so, intentionally wrecking the system of education, never mind developing it.

As for the development of school infrastructure, as you know, last year, on my instructions, we launched a large-scale program. Although many schools were built and rehabilitated in recent years, we launched the rehabilitation and construction of about 1,000 new schools, and at least 1 billion GEL will be spent under this project. And, by 2027, every school-every school in Georgia-will be rehabilitated and built in line with a common European standard. It is very important to make sure that our children and our teachers spend the day in decent conditions, learning and teaching our children. Last year, we contracted out work on several hundreds of schools, and this year active work continues. In 2024, the rehabilitation and construction of about 250 schools is also planned”, - said Irakli Garibashvili.