29 September 2024,   03:45
The usual seasonal flu is circulating in the country, we see no reason to panic - Zurab Azarashvili

The usual seasonal flu is circulating in the country, we see no reason to panic - the clinics are not overcrowded and there is no danger in this regard. Such a statement made today the Minister of Health.

“We introduced flu vaccines to the country at the beginning of autumn. There were vaccines of several components, and the Ministry actively encouraged the population through various campaigns to get the appropriate vaccination. What is happening today - the usual seasonal flu is circulating in the country. This is true not only in Georgia, but all over the world, and seasonally, it reaches a certain peak value, say, by the end of January, although there is no cause for alarm here. Basically, this virus can be expressed in children, but we do not see anything special, such that there is a reason for any panic.

Clinics are not overcrowded either, and there is no danger or threat in this regard. Clinics are neither overcrowded nor likely to be overcrowded. These common seasonal flus are circulating in the country. Nothing special is happening”, - said Zurab Azarashvili.