26 June 2024,   18:06
A new educational and administrative building is planned to be built at TSU

The competition for the design of new educational and administrative building at Tbilisi State University has ended. On the initiative of TSU rector Jaba Samushia, a modern educational-administrative building of modern standards will be built adjacent to the 1st and 2nd educational buildings of TSU, where student spaces will also be arranged.

From the 8 projects submitted as a result of the competition, a commission consisting of architects, art experts and university representatives will select the winning project, which will functionally and visually satisfy the purpose of the new building, without changing the historically formed landscape of the 1st and 2nd buildings of TSU. The historical-architectural context and characteristics of the area should be taken into account in the design concept.

On January 30 of this year, the procedures for the presentation of projects were completed.

Starting from January 31, projects created by 8 architectural companies were exhibited in the first building of TSU for familiarization and evaluation.