26 June 2024,   17:39
Netanyahu tells UN envoys UNRWA is “totally infiltrated” by Hamas, must be replaced

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the UN agency for Palestinian refugees has been “totally infiltrated” by the Hamas terror group, after several countries suspended funding after Israeli accused UNRWA staffers of having participated in the October 7 massacre, writes The Times of Israel.

“UNRWA is totally infiltrated with Hamas,” Netanyahu told a meeting of UN ambassadors in Jerusalem, adding that “we need to get other UN agencies and other aid agencies replacing UNRWA”.

Netanyahu’s comments came as UNRWA said it was “extremely important” to conduct an independent investigation into Israeli allegations that 12 of its employees were involved in the October 7 Hamas onslaught against Israel.

Following these allegations important donors - among them Britain, Germany, Japan, and the United States - have announced their suspension of aid to UNRWA, which serves as a key lifeline for Palestinians living in Gaza.

“It (UNRWA) has been in the service of Hamas, in its schools and many other things”, Netanyahu said at the meeting, video footage of which was released by the government press office.