26 June 2024,   18:26
“Georgian Wheat - Continuous Tradition of Use and Rituals” – two day conference is underway in Tbilisi

Georgian wheat is unique - with its history, diversity of endemic species, and uninterruptedness of its inculcation in our culture and traditions. It occupies a prominent position among various wheat species worldwide and has already served as a basis for cultivating many other species. Today’s conference is yet another step for the promotion of the Georgian wheat. The Chairperson of the Agrarian Issues Committee, Nino Tsilosani said at the International Scientific Conference “Georgian Wheat – Continuous Tradition of Use and Rituals”, being held on February 5-6 with the organization of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Tbilisi State University, and the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in view of the promotion and protection of Georgian wheat.

The Conference is attended by up to 80 scientists from 6 countries. The Director of the Scientific Research Center of Agriculture, Levan Ujmajuridze opened the Conference with his welcome speech.

“Wheat in Georgia takes a special place equally along with vine. Georgia is recognized as a living museum and a country of origin of the wheat evolution. The protection and restoration of Georgian endemic wheat species are of imperative importance at the state level”, - he stated.

At present, 14 out of 27 cultural and wild wheat species registered worldwide are discovered in Georgia, 5 of which are endemic. In 2018, the “Georgian Wheat” was recognized as a category of national importance, enrolled as an intangible cultural heritage monument and registered in the State Register of Intangible Heritage. Besides, UNESCO has commenced the procedures for the enrollment of Georgian wheat into the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.

The Georgian and international scientists, for two days will hear the reports about the continuous tradition of the use of Georgian wheat, as well as about the Georgian agrarian culture, the ancient traditions of wheat production and bread-baking in modern reality, their prospects and advantages etc.