26 June 2024,   18:58
Western countries have already forgotten what war is, they think that what is happening in Ukraine is some kind of cartoon - Putin

Western countries have already forgotten what the war is, they think that what is happening in Ukraine is some kind of cartoon. Such a statement made the President of Russia.

“These are people who have not gone through difficult trials, they have already forgotten what war is. We, even our current generation, have gone through such difficult trials during the fight against international terrorism in the Caucasus.

The same thing is happening now in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. The West thinks that everything is a kind of cartoon for them”, - said Vladimir Putin.

Addressing parliament and other members of the country’s elite, he repeated his accusation that the West is bent on weakening Russia, and he suggested Western leaders did not understand how dangerous their meddling could be in what he cast as Russia’s own internal affairs, writes France24.

He prefaced his warning with a specific reference to an idea, floated by French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, of European NATO members sending ground troops to Ukraine - a suggestion that was quickly rejected by the United States, Germany, Britain and others.

“[Western nations] must realise that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilisation. Don"t they get that?!”, - added Putin.