27 July 2024,   04:16
National Tourism Administration of Georgia hosts representatives of popular international publications

The Georgian National Tourism Administration said that leading European media outlets would feature the country’s winter resorts and adventure tourism.

In particular, the agency is hosting a press tour for Le Figaro, The Telegraph, GQ, Die Presse, Snow, Backcountry Magazine and Downdays.

Journalists from Austria, France and the United Kingdom had visited Tbilisi, Kutaisi, the Prometheus Cave as part of the tour.

This is my first time in Georgia, and I am absolutely amazed by the breathtaking views that surround us. The people here are incredibly friendly, the snow is of the best quality, and the cable car is fast, which made my experience in Svaneti absolutely amazing. I am working on an article entitled Easy Adventure, everything you need is available here, even in small shops. The locals are always willing to help you out. Georgia truly is the future”, - said Matthew Ross from Le Figaro.

Photographer Dom Daher added the tour marked his 2nd visit to Georgia. He said he had been taking photos of the 2024 Freeride World Tour competition in Mestia and the mountains of the locality, and found the “cultural aspect” of the trip “very interesting”.