22 June 2024,   14:43
New helicopter intended for rescue operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been handed over

Border police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia has been handed over a new and contemporary, “H 145” helicopter of European standard. The delivery of the helicopter was carried out at the “Airbus Helicopters” enterprise in Germany, which was attended by the Deputy Head of the Border Police - Giorgi Malania and the Director of the Special Purpose Aviation Division of the Border Police - Ioseb Arjevanishvili.

The modern, European type “H 145” helicopter is one of the latest models of the French company “Airbus Helicopters”. The air transport is fully equipped with firefighting and mountain rescue equipment. Helicopter is provided with 2 engines, increasing the safety of the flight. It is characterized by maneuverability and fully compatible with the existing tasks, considering the mountainous terrain of Georgia. Similar helicopters are successfully operated by the police and emergency management services of Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada and other countries.

Pilots and flight technicians of the Special Purpose Aviation Division of the Border Police are currently undergoing theoretical and practical training at the “Airbus Helicopters” training academy in Germany. The training course will be completed on March 15, which will be followed by the transportation of helicopter to Georgia by the Georgian crew.

On December 19, 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs signed an agreement with the French company – “Airbus Helicopters” regarding the purchase of three “H145” helicopters. The next two aerial transport is planned to be delivered to Georgian side by June 2024.