07 September 2024,   01:22
German patient is 7th person probably cured of HIV

A German man has become the seventh person to apparently be cured of HIV, researchers report, writes US News.

The 60-year-old man, referred to as the “next Berlin Patient,” was treated with a stem cell transplant in October 2015 for acute myeloid leukemia, researchers said. He stopped taking the antiretroviral drugs needed to suppress HIV in September 2018, but has not developed any detectable levels of the AIDS-causing virus in the nearly six years since, researchers said.

“A healthy person has many wishes, a sick person only one”, the man, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said in a statement.

The man’s case offers new insight into a potential HIV gene therapy cure for all, his doctors say. Prior HIV cure cases have been similar in that the patients all received a stem cell transplant following their diagnosis for a blood cancer like leukemia. The HIV cure occurred because the stem cell donors for these patients had naturally inherited two copies of CCR5-delta32, a mutation of the CCR5 white blood cell gene.

This genetic mutation renders people essentially immune to HIV by blocking the retrovirus’ ability to infiltrate immune cells, researchers explained.

The next Berlin Patient is the first HIV cure case in which the donor had inherited just one copy of CCR5-delta32, researchers said. People with one copy can become infected with HIV, but the virus generally progresses slowly.

“We couldn’t find a matching stem cell donor who was immune to HIV, but we did manage to find one whose cells have two versions of the CCR5 receptor: the normal one, and then an extra, mutated one”, said Dr. Olaf Penack, a senior physician at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin [hospital that treated the man].

Significantly more people have one copy of this mutation than two, meaning that future HIV patients with blood cancers might have a better chance of receiving a cure, researchers said.

“We’re very pleased that the patient is in good health and doing well,” Penack said. “The fact that he has been under observation for more than five years and has been virus-free the whole time indicates that we did indeed succeed in completely eradicating HIV from the patient’s body. So we consider him cured of HIV”.

The case is scheduled to be presented this week at the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich.